As this exchange was an open call and not juried, all levels of printmaking expertise were present. Each printmaker was asked to complete and edition of 15 to exchange. In the edition that I received there were quite a few prints that looked as though they were beginner editions. Below are a couple of prints that found to be the best in the selection. I can't accredit the artists because most of the prints just have signatures without names or contact info on them. This is something I'll be sure to include in my next exchange because I would have loved to be able to see more of these artists' work. A complete list of artists will be set up on print Zero's Flickr page.
Although I found this exchange to be rather frustrating, I have faith that Print Zero Studio will be able to redeem themselves with future projects and exchanges. I would love another opportunity to visually connect with other printmakers from around the world. Next planned exchange: Year of the Tiger 2010.