I've been pretty proud of myself lately for finally submitting to the Illustration Friday weekly topics. I had put it off for so long because I didn't think a week was going to be long enough to come up with an idea and execute a finished piece. I finally convinced myself that each piece didn't have to be publish worthy and that I could even just submit a sketch. After I eased up the pressure I've been able to create some images faster than I thought I could. You can find my Illustration Friday collection started on my Flickr
Besides actually just attempting the weekly topics, I've been trying to keep my submissions as digital pieces so that I can finally learn Photoshop. I'm a bit too old to have learned the program in school so everything I know on it is self taught with the help of a few online tutorials. I really want to paint in watercolor and oils digitally but the program is really too huge for me to have figured out how to do that. It's been pretty frustrating and for last weeks topic: vocal, I decided to try the image in digital watercolor and in traditional watercolor to see how each one translates. What do you think? What are the differences? Which one looks more fresh?
I'm going to keep trying to figure digital painting out with the help of
Lynda.com courses but so far it still doesn't give the same level of satisfaction that a brush to paper does.